Looking for a Business Review? Harrisons can help…

Small companies and businesses face a whole range of problems both externally and internally and sometime those involved on a daily basis find it difficult to see those challenges clearly.

When third parties such as banks or large new customers look at the business or small company they sometimes can’t see the value or sustainability they need to establish a relationship.

We have considerable experience in looking at businesses and identifying what third parties need in terms of information and how it is presented to enable the business to obtain the financial support or new customer it needs.

As a totally unconnected third party, they are also more likely to accept the information provided by us rather than rely on the owners.

When looking at internal difficulties, by not being involved on a daily basis we are able to stand back and provide impartial advice and assistance to enable the owners to achieve their goals whether it is cost saving, cashflow management or perhaps a business sale.

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